St. Josephine Bakhita (Monrovia)
- 2011 -
Our mission is located within a property of the Catholic Church, where a statue of Our Lady dedicated to the Queen of Peace is venerated. The mission was already a place of faith and charity towards the poor. It was built by Spanish nuns, who then abandoned it in the years of the different wars that filled the Liberian land with blood. Father Adrian’s missionary spirit and the will of the Archbishop of Monrovia, brought us to that place. After the first months of hard work, from missionaries, the house was cleaned and rejuvenated, returning to being simple, bright and welcoming. Currently some sisters of the Community and many young volunteers live in the mission. We regularly welcome about 40 children. The St. Josephine Bakhita house is the first mission of Comunità Cenacolo in Africa.
Liberian Mission Video 2021